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The Return of Summer: Joys of Horses and Precautions at the Stable: "Beware of Tick-borne Diseases!"

The Return of Summer: Joys and Precautions at the Stable

Summer is finally here! The days are getting longer, the sun is shining and the temperatures are rising. It's the perfect season to enjoy long horseback rides in nature, savoring the fresh air and flowery landscapes. Our horses, too, appreciate this change of season and are happy to find the freedom of the paddocks again.

However, it is important not to forget that summer also means the arrival of insects, especially ticks. These small parasites, often carrying serious diseases for horses, can represent a significant danger.

Diseases transmitted by ticks to horses

Ticks can transmit several diseases to horses, the best known of which are:

  • Lyme disease : This bacterial disease can cause joint, heart and neurological problems in horses.
  • West Nile horse fever : This viral disease can cause serious symptoms, such as fever, muscle weakness, and encephalitis.
  • Anaplasmosis : This bacterial disease can cause fever, anemia, and weight loss in horses.

How to protect your horse from ticks

There are several steps you can take to protect your horse from ticks:

  • Inspect your horse regularly : Examine your horse carefully, especially areas where ticks often hide, such as the neck, ears, groin, and belly. Remove any ticks you find immediately using a tick remover.
  • Using antiparasitic products : Many antiparasitic products are available for horses, in the form of sprays, ointments or injectable solutions. Consult your veterinarian to choose the most suitable product for your horse.
  • Managing your horse's environment : Reduce areas where ticks can thrive by cutting back tall grass and removing brush around your stable.

If in doubt, consult your veterinarian

If you notice symptoms in your horse that could indicate a tick-borne disease, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian. Early diagnosis and treatment can make all the difference.

Let's enjoy the summer with our horses, while remaining vigilant against potential dangers. By taking a few simple precautions, we can protect our equine companions and allow them to fully enjoy the summer season.

PS: Take the time to inspect your dogs too, they are very susceptible to tick-borne diseases. See an article on the subject here .

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